Hacienda Del Oro Software Engineer
HDO (Hacienda del Oro) is a country club in Mexico that focuses on equitation. The owner has multiple companies and needed a way to facilitate the communication and manage HDO. I worked with the owner to help him solve the problems
HDO needs to communicate with the owners other companies to manage the finances and the employees. They previously used email to communicate but now all the information was available to everyone in real time.
There was an authorization system that allowed the owner to create new roles and give different permissions to each company or employee. For more information on how the authorization worked, see the Authorization and Authentication section.
- HDO employees could upload receipts and a parser would extract the information and save it in the database.
- The finances department could see the expenses as soon as they where uploaded.
- Employee management with the days worked calculating the salary and printing out the "nomina" sheets.
- The owner could see the finances and administration of HDO.
Technology Stack
- Frontend: Nextjs, Tailwind CSS.
- Backend: Prisma, TRPc, Nextjs.
- Authorization and Authentication: NextAuth Server Sessions.
Conclusion and Demo
This demo is not available as it was created for a specific company and is not open to the public. However, this project taught me a lot about how to design software for a company. The demo for the gym software contains many of the same features with improvements and can be found here.
Authorization and Authentication
To create a new role the owner would give it a name and then select the permissions that the role would have. The users could apply for a role and it could be seen at the owner's dashboard. In this same place the owner could provide roles to employees without a request.